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Credit: Off-Campus, IB, and AP

Finding Off-Campus Courses for Bowdoin Physics Credit

If you are interested in taking a course at a different institution for Bowdoin credit, your first step will be to gather some information about the course you're considering.

In order for a course to be approved for Bowdoin credit, the course must cover the same material at the same level as the course being replaced at Bowdoin.

For Physics 1130:

  • The course must be calculus-based
  • The course must include a required physical laboratory component (no virtual/on-line labs)
  • The course must include introductory Newtonian Mechanics including:
    • Newton's laws
    • Statics, Dynamics, and Kinematics
    • Rotational motion, including conservation of angular momentum
    • Simple harmonic motion

For Physics 1140:

  • The course must be calculus-based
  • The course must include a required physical laboratory component (no virtual/on-line labs)
  • The course must include the following topics:
    • Introduction to electric and magnetic fields and basic circuit analysis
    • Introduction to electromagnetic waves
    • Geometrical optics
    • Physical optics (diffraction and interference)
    • Nuclear and/or modern physics

Once you've confirmed that the course you're considering adheres to the above guidelines, please forward the syllabus (and any additional information) to Emily Green. She will get back to you with confirmation that the course qualifies for credit (or the reason that it doesn't).

When you've received word that the course is approved for Bowdoin credit, you'll make arrangements to have your transfer of credit card signed by the physics department chair. Note that in order to get credit, you must have this card signed prior to taking the course.

Please contact Emily Green with any questions.

AP and IB Credit in Bowdoin Physics

Please visit the IB and AP website maintained by the Office of the Registrar.